
Entities that “have the potential to perform intentional actions of kinds for which someone may be held responsible” for CIDOC-CRM are instances of E39 Actor while RiC calls them Agent. Here both classes are used as actors/agents are one point where the scope of both models overlap. CIDOC-CRM further distinguishes further between E21 Person, E74 Group and E40 Legal Body as subclasses.

The following examples are not complete as documentation of the implementations of E82 Actor Appellation, E52 Time-Span etc. is not repeated here.


@prefix crm: <> .
@prefix rico: <> .
@prefix spav: <> .

<> a crm:E21_Person , rico:Person ;
    rdfs:label "Firstname Lastname" ;
    crm:P131_is_identified_by [ a crm:E82_Actor_Appellation ] ;
    rico:birthDate [ a rico:Date ;
        rico:normalizedDateValue "YYYY-MM-DD" ;
        rico:dateStandard "ISO 8601" .
    ] ;
    crm:P98i_was_born [ a crm:E67_Birth ;
        crm:P7_took_place_at <>
    ] ;
    rico:deathDate [ a rico:Date ;
        rico:normalizedDateValue "YYYY-MM-DD" ;
        rico:dateStandard "ISO 8601" .
    ] ;
    crm:P100i_died_in [ a crm:E69_Death ;
        crm:P7_took_place_at <>
    ] ;
    crm:P3_has_note [
        a crm:E62_String ;
        crm:P2_has_type spav:eoept ;
        rdf:value "decriptive information like progession or function"
    ] ;
    crm:P107i_is_current_or_former_member_of <> ,
    owl:sameAs <> ,
    	<> , 
    	<> ;
    rico:history "Biography of the person." .
  • spav:eoept = “description”

Gender and nationality of a person are expressed as memberships in corresponding groups just as regular group memberships.

@prefix crm: <> .
@prefix rico: <> .
@prefix spav: <> .

<> a crm:E40_Legal_Body , rico:CorporateBody ;
    crm:P2_has_type spav:vrivu ;
    rdfs:label "Theatre ABC" ;
    crm:P131_is_identified_by [ a crm:E82_Actor_Appellation ] ;
    crm:P131_is_identified_by [ a crm:E41_Appellation ] ;
    rico:hasBeginningDate [ a rico:Date ;
        rico:normalizedDateValue "1980" ;
        rico:dateStandard "ISO 8601" .
    ] ;
    rico:hasEndDate [ a rico:Date ;
        rico:normalizedDateValue "1999" ;
        rico:dateStandard "ISO 8601" .
    ] ;
    rico:isSuccessorOf <> ;
    rico:controlledBy <> ;
    crm:P107_has_current_or_former_member <> ;
    crm:P76_has_contact_point [ a crm:E45_Address ;
        rdf:value "Street, Place, Country" ;
        crm_P2_has_type spav:ihtxc
    ] ;
    crm:P76_has_contact_point [ a crm:E51_Contact_Point ;
        rdf:value <> ;
        crm_P2_has_type spav:ihctx
    ] ;
    crm:P74_has_current_or_former_residence [ a crm:Place ;
        crm:P87_is_identified_by [ a crm:E45_Address ;
            rdf:value "Street, Place, Country" ;
            crm_P2_has_type spav:ihtxc
        ] ;
        crm:P89_falls_within <>
    ] ;
    crm:P14i_performed [ a crm:E7_Activity ;
        crm:P2_has_type spav:mujfv ;
        crm:P16_used_specific_object <> ;
        crm:P4_has_time-span [ a crm:E52_Time-Span ]
    rico:history "History of the group." .

    a frbroo:F51_Pursuit ;
    crm:P14_carried_out_by <> ;
    frbroo:R59_had_typical_subject spav:mneyg.
  • spav:vrivu = “artistic professional producer with own venue”
  • spav:mneyg = “spoken theatre”
  • spav:ihtxc = “address”
  • spav:ihctx = “website”
  • spav:mujfv = “management”

A focus of a group on one or more genres is expressed as a frbroo:F51_Pursuit.