
Original videos may be analog, physical objects or born digital. All these archival masters are converted into preservation copies and usually also dissemenation copies. All of them are instantiations of a single record. If a carrier like a video tape contains several works, each of them is described as a rico:RecordPart to allow connections of separate instantiations.

Videos are described from three perspectives and by using three ontologies:

  • as archival entities with RiC
  • as digital objects with PREMIS
  • and as videos with EBUCore

Therefore, they always two class types:

  • Videos tapes and films are at the same time a rico:Instantiation and a ebucore:MediaResource.
  • Digital videos are rico:Instantiation/premis:Representation plus one or more premis:File/ebucore:MediaResource.

Videos are also described as objects.

@prefix rico: <> .
@prefix premis: <> .
@prefix ebucore: <> .
@prefix cryptographicHashFunctions: <> .
@prefix spav: <> .
@prefix spao: <> .

<> a rico:Record ;
	rico:identifier "207-9" ;
	rico:name "umwege" ;
	rico:hasInstantiation <>, <>, <>, <> .

<> a rico:Instantiation, ebucore:MediaResource ;
	rico:identifier "207-9-VHS-MAS" ;
	spao:hasArchivalStatus spav:asarm ;
	rico:hasOrHadLocation <> ;
	rico:hasCarrierType spav:fvywh ;
	rico:hasDerivedInstantiation <> .

<> a rico:Instantiation, premis:Representation ;
	rico:identifier "207-9-DIG-SKD" ;
	spao:hasArchivalStatus spav:aspcd ;
	rico:hasOrHadLocation <> ;
	rico:hasCarrierType spav:fvdgf ;
	rico:hasDerivedInstantiation <>, <> .

<> a premis:File, ebucore:MediaResource ;
	premis:isIncludedIn <> ;
	premis:originalName "207-9-DIG-SKD.mkv" .

<> a rico:Instantiation, premis:Representation ;
	rico:indentier "207-9-DIG-NK" ;
	spao:hasArchivalStatus spav:asdcd ;
	rico:hasOrHadLocation <> ;
	rico:hasCarrierType spav:fvdgf .

<> a premis:File, ebucore:MediaResource ;
	premis:inIncludedIn <> ;
	premis:originalName "207-9-DIG-SKD.mkv" .

<> a rico:Instantiation ;
	rico:hasCarrierType spav:fvonl .

<> a spao:ArchivalLocation .

<> a spao:ArchivalLocation .

  • spav:asarm = “archival master”
  • spav:aspcd = “preservation copy digital”
  • spav:asdcd = “dissemination copy digital”
  • spav:fvywh = “VHS”
  • spav:fvdgf = “digital file”
  • spav:fvonl = “online”

PREMIS and EBUCore properties

The implemenation of PREMIS is limited to only a few classes and property and might be extended later.

Analog videos and video files are both defined as a ebucore:MediaResource and use respective properties.

@prefix rico: <> .
@prefix premis: <> .
@prefix ebucore: <> .
@prefix cryptographicHashFunctions: <> .
@prefix spav: <> .
@prefix spao: <> .

<> a rico:Instantiation, ebucore:MediaResource ;
	rico:identifier "207-9-VHS-MAS" ;
	rdau:P60558 spav:clmul ;
	ebucore:aspectRatio spav:arfsc ;
	ebucore:channels "2" ;
	ebucore:duration "0:33:07" ;
	ebucore:hasStandard spav:bspal ;
	rico:hasDerivedInstantiation <> .

<> a rico:Instantiation, premis:Representation ;
	rico:identifier "207-9-DIG-SKD" ;
	rico:hasDerivedInstantiation <>, VIMEO .

<> a premis:File, ebucore:MediaResource ;
	premis:inIncludedIn <> ;
	premis:originalName "207-9-DIG-SKD.mkv" ;
	premis:compositionLevel "0" ;
	premis:size "26994251513" ;
	premis:fixity [
		a cryptographicHashFunctions:md5 ;
		rdf:value "8fc77dad889c207233af066d2df03b7e"
	] ;
	rdau:P60558 spav:clmul ;
	ebucore:hasFormat spav:cfmkv, spav:vfffv1v34, spav:afflac ;
	ebucore:duration "0:33:07" ;
	ebucore:hasStandard spav:bspal ;
	ebucore:frameRate "25" ;
	ebucore:height "576" ;
	ebucore:width "720" ;
	ebucore:aspectRatio spav:arfsc ;
	ebucore:scanningFormat spav:sfint ;
	ebucore:scanningOrder spav:sotop ;
	ebucore:channels "2" ;
	ebucore:samplingRate "48000" .

  • spav:clmul = “color”
  • spav:arfsc = “full screen”
  • spav:bspal = “PAL”
  • spav:cfmkv = “Matroska”
  • spav:vfffv1v34 = “FFV1 Version 3.4”
  • spav:afflac = “FLAC”
  • spav:sfint = “interlaced”
  • spav:sotop = “top”